How to Improve Your Memory and Increase Your Brain Health
I have read quite a bit of information pertaining to brain health, memory loss, and memory enhancement. I am going to list a general consensus of the top 5 ways to improve your memory and increase your brain health. These are confirmed by the Alzheimer’s Assoc., Psychology Today, and the AARP. They are in no particular order.
Healthy Diet
Social Engagement
Keeping Your Brain Active
Wherever you turn these days, there is a new diet being advertised. I am not going to advertise one here! Instead, I am going to appeal to what you already know. But please remember that a healthy diet rich in Omega 3’s is one of the best ways to increase memory and improve brain function.
- Fruits and vegetables are tops.
- Whole grains, seeds, and nuts (easy on the nuts) are healthy.
- Fish and poultry (mostly) and lean meats (occasionally) in 4 oz. portions are great protein sources.
- Healthy fats like olive & coconut oil and organic butter (sparingly) are good.
- A fish (krill) oil supplement is recommended to improve your memory. See my pick here.
- NO soda! (One of the worst things to put into your body) regular OR diet.
- Fried foods, chips, candy, alcohol – you know the list – are not good for you. ONCE in a WHILE in tiny doses if you must.
We know this right? It’s a must ladies and it doesn’t have to be hard. I mean, did you read my blog on Laughter? It’s exercise!! That’s right. Anyway, you have to find something you enjoy that engages your body. Walking, gardening, yoga, cycling etc. are a few examples. It is particularly beneficial to get your heart rate up a bit because it increases blood flow to the brain. Brain health is what we want here right?
Your body rejuvenates while you sleep, and this includes your brain.
Your brain ‘resets’ while you sleep, allowing you to gain fresh insight
into problems and increasing your creativity. Your memory is
enhanced, even by just 4 to 6 hours of good, sound sleep. Sleep tight!
It is good for your brain for you to be involved with other people.
Volunteering brings feelings of happiness and well-being, increasing
brain health. Social activities are linked to reduced risk for some
health problems, including dementia.
There are many ways to keep your brain active. One way is to continue learning. This is
high on the list of increasing brain health. Finishing your degree, taking a class, reading a
book, attending a seminar etc. are just a few examples. Here are some courses that may
interest you.
For diet, I’d like to share some plant foods that might help.
Lion’s mane mushroom and ginkgo are great brain foods. Lion’s mane mushroom actually helps you to rebuild and maintain the wiring inside. I get dried lion’s mane mushroom from traditional Chinese medicine shops and cook a chicken soup with it. But it’s not common in some places I think?
There are products out there that contain these plant foods, maybe those interested can Google for them.
Hi Rosanne! Thanks for your suggestions and I’m interested in lion’s mane mushroom. I’ve never heard of it before and I am a huge mushroom fan! Take care and thanks for commenting…