Income Possibilities for Women Over 50

I have been looking at income possibilities because getting ready for retirement has opened up a whole new world! My pension from the USPS will not provide me with enough income to do everything I would like to do in this life. Looking back, there are definitely things I would have done differently! But, hey! This is now and I can thrive!

I will be adding ideas in this category as we go along and please, if you have ideas please leave them in the comment section. Your suggestion might be what another woman needs!income

Have You Ever Wanted to Write for Income?

OK then. My first income idea is writing. I have always wanted to write and wasn’t sure of the direction to go. When I started looking into making money at home ideas, I came across an opportunity that led me right here. I am developing a site for women with needs, desires and concerns, just like me. And I am writing! I will share about this opportunity in a bit.

But first… Writing! I came across an online business where you can earn money by writing for other people, companies, websites etc. It is called iWriter. Your wage is small in the beginning, but you build a reputation and are then rewarded with higher wages. There are three categories of writers – standard, premium and elite. If you know you are an excellent writer, you can join their Fast Track program for a fee, and bypass the promotion stages. Anyway, click the link and see if it’s for you. They did a great job with their site!

How About Your Own Online Business?

If you have a desire to have your own online business, than I can definitely point you to Wealthy Affiliate. I joined on Valentine’s Day and have already created what you see. I had NO experience! I have to say, “I am enjoying this SO much!” As I mentioned in some of my other posts, I received my Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology – Life Coaching last year. My heart is to help women over 50 to realize their dreams. I feel we put so much on the back burner because, well – you know.income

Since I joined Wealthy Affiliate, it has all come together. I am just at the beginning stages of building this site, but it’s a solid foundation and I am excited for the possibilities. Maybe you have an idea for an online business or you have something to share with the world. You can try WA for free and there truly are no obligations! You receive two free websites, training and lots of community interaction with starter signup.

These are two proven choices for online income. You can determine the speed at which you earn by the time you are able to give. I recommend finding peace with your choices, and only do things that bring you joy! As we age, we need to do everything within our power to be the very best we can be. In order to THRIVE, we must be at peace with the way we are living our lives.

Questions? Comments? Ideas? Suggestions? Please leave below in the comments section. Thanks for stopping by!

Thrive! OK? … Robin




  1. Ann McLaughlin

    Hi Robin ,

    Your thoughts and ideas ring so true with me. I’ve been in high tech for 30+ years and like what I do, but not in today’s corporate conditions ! Not easy to transition, but do feel it can be done!

    I also have an elderly mom (93) that is my part time job. She is an inspiration at the same time and I love her dearly!

    Trying to make steps to simplify my life, be happy and at peace as I transition into my mid 50s and beyond !

    • Hi Ann!
      You certainly have a lot going on with a full time job and your mom to take care of. I’m sure you are the light of her life. 93 years!
      My mom was 77 when she died and I miss her physical presence. Things that she did and said pop up quite often, bringing joy to my heart… good, good memories that I’ll always have!
      Simplifying isn’t always easy I know, especially if you enjoy a lot of things and have added responsibilities.
      Seek peace and pursue it, seek and you will find… Take Care Ann

  2. Gigi

    I absolutely love to write! As a matter of fact, when I was about 12, my mother went on “Candle Pins for Cash”. The host of the show asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up? I giggled and said “A WRITER”. (I was live on T.V. but that was the first thing that popped out of my mouth). I very much like autobiographies and hope to write mine before I pass. I did publish a pamphlet for the Child Abuse and Neglect Council and an absolutely remarkable poem! (I think complementing yourself is good). This is such an awesome website Robin. I love the flowers and bright and cheerful headlines. I will be definitely checking this our regularly! Great job and great encouragement that life can just begin at 50!

    • Wow Gigi! My mom was on Candlepins for cash too! What a small world! You must be from New England then. Candlepins never made it out of here hahahaha! You must have been involved with child services or social work of some kind huh? I’m so glad you liked the site and will come back often. I’m having so much fun. I believe I’ve found my place in this world, and just in time for 60!!! Blessings, Robin

  3. Jeremy

    This is a great article! I love to write, mainly reviews about supplements and sports equipment. Although, I’ve never heard of Iwriter? It sounds pretty enticing to be able to write articles and get paid for it. Do you know specifically what genre of writing it entails or could it be anything you want to write about?

    • Robin

      Hey Jeremy! Thanks for stopping by. You actually write for other people and they set the guidelines. They may want an article on organic bananas 🙂 and they hire you to write it. I’m sure there’s some freelancing involved at times! Maybe you could write reviews for a big sports co.!

  4. Eddy

    I’ve actually used iwriter to hire writers to write for my blog. It’s definitely a nice way to make some money and get your feet wet into writing. You have to be patient and work your way up like you suggest. But it can bring you some immediate source of income.

    Whereas WA is more of a long term play and can probably help you make more for your writing down the line. So I think you can do both in conjunction with each other. And it sounds like that’s what you did which is smart.

    At any age multiple streams of income is a good idea. But writing is something that will always be in demand and it’s a great way to make money online. It just takes time. Good job breaking this all down in your article.

    • Robin

      Hey Eddy! Thanks so much for commenting! Nice smile by the way. You’re right about the speed of each program. Good for you getting a writer for your blog. If it doesn’t bring you joy, you should find another way. And look… You gave someone else a paycheck! iWriter did such a good job with their website didn’t they?

  5. Ilyssa

    I have never heard of I writer. Thank you for sharing…I am going to look into it. I like to write and would love to be able to earn additional income from my efforts. I have struggled with fiverr probably because I am new and have no reputation. But I have to start somewhere! I will check this out!

    • Good luck Ilyssa! I really like their site. It’s very bright and easy to navigate. It’s straightforward and very reputable. Keep me updated OK?

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